Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 13 - 24 of 84 in total

Family 4 Pack of Tickets to LA G...

LA Galaxy

Camping Basket

TK/Kindergarten Families - CWC Hollywood

Trader Joes Basket

1st Grade Families - CWC Hollywood

Boozy Basket

2nd Grade Families - CWC Hollywood

BBQ & Beer Basket

3rd Grade Families - CWC Hollywood

Nintendo Switch Lite Basket

4th Grade Families - CWC Hollywood

Nespresso & Chill

5th Grade Families - CWC Hollywood

Hiking with Coach Jessie

Teacher Experience

Wool Felting with Ms. Fenswick

Teacher Experience

Flower Arranging with Ms. Dayna

Teacher Experience

Charcuterie Board by Miss Shores

Teacher Experience

Coding with Mrs. Shaw

Teacher Experience